Dismantling Greifswald NPP 1/17

Control room

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 2/17

Circuit diagram

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 3/17

Hermetic lock

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 4/17

Former steam generator box

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 5/17

Transducer room

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 6/17

Control room

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 7/17

General view

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 8/17

Thermal cutting of the steam generator

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 9/17

Pieces of the steam generator

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 10/17

Dismantling with the bandsaw

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 11/17

Cleaning with high pressure

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 12/17

Liquid decontamination

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 13/17

Interim storage facility north

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 14/17

Casks for radioactive material at the interim storage facility north

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 15/17

Casks for radioactive material at the interim storage facility north

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 16/17

Casks for radioactive material at the interim storage facility north

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Dismantling Greifswald NPP 17/17

Casks for radioactive material at the interim storage facility north

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